The Hate U Give - Re-write


I am driving down Trewithy street when I see a gray Honda Accord with a burnt out taillight. I turn on my sirens and pull over the car. I get out and walk over to the window. I look inside and see a young girl and a slightly older boy. I point with my finger to roll down the window. I start to notice that the young boy is very annoyed. “Name, license, registration, and proof of insurance” I say “My name is Khalili now what you pull us over for” I don’t answer. I grab my flashlight and shine it in his car. The young girl says “Do what he said” Khalil opens his wallet and I follow his every move with my bright white flashlight. He hands me crumpled papers and his license. As I check his license I ask “where are you two coming from?” “None of your business” he says. I tell them their taillight is out. He looks at me with an aggravated look on his face. He says “you gon’ give me a ticket or what?” “Get out of the car” I say. He disagrees but then opens the door. “Put your hands up smart guy” The young girl then tries to start defending him but I say “Put your hands on the dashboard!” I pat Khalil down. I can't find anything. “Stay here and don’t move” I say. I walked back to my patrol car and take out my walkie talkie. As I look up Khalil in the database I tell my supervisor “I was driving down Trewithy road and I saw a car with a burnt out tail light. The guy in the car's name is Khalil. I didn’t manage to catch his last name. He is-” I hear a voice. I pull out my gun and turn around. It’s the boy talking to the young girl in the car. So many thoughts race through my mind. I think about what to do. He won’t listen. I point my gun directly at him and BOOM! I shoot once. Blood splatters everywhere. BOOM! I shoot him again, he falls to the ground. BOOM! I shoot a third time and I see his eyes shut. I hear the girl in the car scream. She hesitates but jumps off the car to check on Khalil. I point the same gun at her but then drop it. It brings back memories from the time I was a child and witnessed my own fathers death. I start to have memories I have never had before. It was just like this. My dad was shot three times by a police officer. I decided to become a police officer to be better than the ones who shoot people for a stupid reasons. More and more memories flood through my head. First, blood. Then, a vague image of the police officer, then everything in my mind goes black. The girl screams “NO NO NO NO NO!” The thought just then goes through my mind. I just killed someone.


A Day in Life During the London Blitz